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Old 11-19-2006, 07:42 PM   #6
Ironworks Moderator

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Originally posted by Leonis:
Larry I've used several commercial UPS's and my questions would be: How old is it? And when was the last time it was serviced? In my experience a problem like this is almost always a fault with the UPS itself. Usually it's battery. They are great when they're working, but seem to have a lifespan much shorter than your average PC. I have run a DOS only 1 program installed system with my AMEK RECALL Audio console off UPS for 5 years. So far: Failure> UPS:3, PC DOS:0
The UPS is about four years old I think. I did not know they had to be serviced...They can be serviced? I'd just buy a new one if this konks out. I gave about $60 for it.
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