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Old 05-29-2002, 01:17 AM   #6
Aelia Jusa
Iron Throne Cult
Tetris Champion
Join Date: August 23, 2001
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Age: 43
Posts: 4,867
I agree, Alicat! Some of these poll polls are silly. Plus you can't see what everyone's said, just percentages. No soul in that!

1. What's your middle name?

2. How old is your soul?
Hmm, hard to tell. 4?

3. What's the strangest thing you've ever had on your body? (ie, salad dressing, a suit of armor, and so forth)
Um. Paint?

4. If we had a costume (fancy dress for the Brits) party, how would you dress up? (time and money unlimited)
I dressed as a french maid once [img]graemlins/showoff.gif[/img]

5. What do you like ON your pancakes?
Butter. Or plain.

6. Did anyone mention muffins?
No! And no one will either [img]tongue.gif[/img]

7. What's your favorite dessert (or food, if you aren't a sweets person)?
Chocolate um... anything . Not cheesecake, never been a big fan.

8. If you had unlimited time, money, and health, what are three things you would like to do someday?
I want to travel to Europe. I would love to go on one of those adventure holiday things, like white water rafting or something. And um, a third thing... have to think some more

9. What's your favorite dried fruit? (no, grannies don't count, I said "what", not "who").
I'm not really a dried fruit fan. Sultanas and Raisons are just wrong

10. Have any phobias? Do tell!

11. If you could be any mythical animal, what would you be?
I love mermaids. I used to pretend to be one in our pool. So definitely a mermaid [img]smile.gif[/img]

12. What is better than chocolate?
Haven't found anything yet lol

13. Are you superstitious?

14. Are you political?
I take notice of politics. I'm not affiliated with any party though

15. Do you own a gun? Have you ever been trained in gun use?
No. And never planning to be.

16. What planet are you from?
Earth. I know, how unimaginative of me [img]tongue.gif[/img]

17. What's your sign, baby? (street signs allowed)

18. Can you bite your own toenails? Are you flexible?
Ew, no! At least I've never tried. Heh, just gave it a go. Well not the biting part. But they certainly could be bitten were I that way inclined

19. What's one thing you could do as a child that you can't do now?
Not worry about anything.

20. What is your least favorite thing to do?
Go to the dentist.

21. What is the best part of your body?
My feet! I seriously love them. They are the most perfect feet ever

22. What part of the world would you like to visit?
Europe. Rome if I had to pick just one place there.

23. What brings you utter joy?
Being with loved ones, talking with friends. Whenever I feel like I'm loved I'm happy.

24. What's your element?
Um like earth water fire and all that? Earth.

25. What's the most difficult yoga position for you?
Gargling dolphin. Wow, that's a killer

26. What hobbies do you have that none of us know about?
I can never tell [img]graemlins/angel.gif[/img]

27. When's your birthday?
It was a couple weeks ago actually [img]smile.gif[/img] . And happy birthday Alicat! [img]smile.gif[/img]
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