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Old 04-06-2002, 06:48 PM   #3
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: November 11, 2001
Location: perdition
Posts: 340
french toast and ketchup? lol

My friend once made what I consider to be the strangest dish I'd ever seen. She had made a trip to Costco a week or two prior and had bought bananas, ricotto cheese and sweet and low in abundance. Well, she decided that she'd better use them all up beofre they went bad...

60 minutes later, there was a ricotta banana pie sweetened with sweet and low! She tried to pretend it wasn't horrible for one slice so I'd try it.
<i>The road to hell is paved with delicious intentions.</i><br /><br />Unholy Acorn Gatherer in the <b>Profane Order of the Hyper-Wrathful, All-Powerful Squirrel Goddess</b>
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