Thread: Speech Tips
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Old 02-09-2005, 05:43 PM   #9
Takhisis Follower

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Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
Hiya SomeSweetGuy! I'm sure, alot of people here would help. That's the kind of place IW is!
A lot of people, but not you, cos you're just posting the one-liner to continue the SpamQueen legacy [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Speaking of speeches, I'm doing one tomorrow too. It's for a project (involving the next generation of wireless networking technologies - nyah nyah I know what you guys'll be using in 5 years' time [img]tongue.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img] ). It's kinda scary cos we're going to London for it with some people from my research group and I've gotta do this speech about a technical subject to all the other partners (some are professors!, some industry partners). I should be ok though, as I know what I'm talking about - although I do tend to do the staring at a blank spot on the wall thing that Bozo said not to do It makes it easier to continue if you're not worried about how bored or shocked whatever the audience looks.

Also, as Aelia said NEVER try to learn the speech by heart. Have slides if it's a presentation or notes if it's a "speech speech". Use them as guides, but role-play your way through the whole thing. Know the subject, then it doesn't matter what you say, it'll be correct This is what I do - I practice a speech before I give it, but it's slightly different each time I give it as I think of stuff on the spot etc.
Too set in his ways to ever relate
If he could set that aside, there'd be heaven to pay
But weathered and aged, time swept him to grave
Love conquers all? Damn, I'd say that area's gray
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