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Old 02-07-2005, 11:05 PM   #13
Egyptian Goddess of the Dead

Join Date: July 12, 2001
Location: South Carolina
Age: 40
Posts: 3,771
I couldn't live without the spice of life that is different partners. Take that away from someone and I think you rob them of one of the most fundamental needs there is. Human beings are so innately curious and always craving more, always wanting what they can't have. I'm no different. I've been in several fairly long relationships, but honestly, the thought of sticking with one person for a long time scares me. Even so, you do learn a lot of things in being with someone. At the end of the day though, I'd always prefer to be free, to be able to go and do as I please. I dislike having someone to answer to and honestly, I get bored if I'm stuck in the same rut for too long.

I can't even see myself getting married or having children, at least not for a very long time. I'm sure this will change as I age, but for now, I'm happy to mingle.
Marvellous banter; I am bereft of ribs.
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