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Old 12-07-2004, 09:31 AM   #31
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: August 22, 2004
Location: Sydney, Australia.
Age: 39
Posts: 737
Hrmm.. should I? Yes... yes I should.

Ok, I'll share. It was early-ish last year. I was out with my "straight" school mates at a local club called 'Carmens' at around 10pm... when all of a sudden I got a phone call off of one of my (then few) gay mates. He practically BEGGED me to go out that night, and being fairly new to the scene I agreed wholeheartedly. I made up some strange lie to my best friend Rachel, saying that the phone call was actually my sister saying that there was an emergency at home and I had to leave.

There lies my first mistake.

Well, suffice to say that me and my mate Beau had a HUGE night. We hit at least 5 different venues, when finally the gay bar we ended up at closed at 5am. So what did we do? We moved on to a day bar, one which we had both been given free entry tickets too (basically because we were young, attractive blonde gay boys, and the club wanted other old men to follow us in and waste money on us). After drinking COPIOUS amounts of alcohol, and several games of pool.... we left around lunch time. Oh my god how my eyes hurt seeing sunlight for the first time in about 14 hours. We stumbled to the nearest starbucks, ordered a coffee, when beau decided it would be a brilliant idea to go for a sleep in Hyde Park (dodgiest park in Sydney I reckon). I think I agreed, trouble is, I never made it. I passed out right then and there on a table and chairs at starbucks.

Movin on. I regain conciousness to find myself walking down a street COMPLETELY disoriented screaming into my phone at my sister saying "THERE EFFING EVERYWHERE, AND THEY WONT GET OUT OF MY WAY". Turns out I was in chinatown, and being about 1pm, everyone was out for lunch LOL. I then camped out in a Gazebo for a while, when my sister rang me saying that she would be there in about 20 minutes.

At that time, i was all "super dooper! I'm getting a lift home, how cool!"

Turns out I had rung my sister, mother, boyfriend at the time, best friend rachel in TEARS, and they had all come looking for me. After I failed to come home from my local night out at Carmens, my mother rang Rachel, whom then said "i thought he went home with Alyson (sister) last night?". They then panicked, called me, and then my sister had at least 4 conversations on the phone which to THIS day I still cannot remember what was said. Basically, I was up the Sh!t with both my parents, and me and Beau had a bit of a falling out over what happened..

I had a blackout of 3 or 4 hours of the night where I had absolutely no idea what happened. When my bf found me I just sobbed in his arms for like 20 mins in the middle of chinatown.. I was that upset and wasted.

The theory was I was drugged, and I was so scared I went to the doctor during the week to have a HIV test. I have never been so scared in my life.

Funnily enough, I still get drunk several times a month. You'd think I'd learn, ja?

Sorry, that post was faaar longer than I thought it would be. Hope it entertained, or at least enlightened all of you

Edit: Just to let you know that the STD test came back all good.

[ 12-07-2004, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: Dave_the_quack ]
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