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Old 11-23-2004, 01:57 PM   #8
Horus - Egyptian Sky God
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Well, I can attest that the katana has no problems with armor. Also, as far as the mind-set, I would pick the samurai everytime. The only people who became samurai were so conditioned that most really didnt consider fear the same way a rational person would. Their entire purpose was to kill their opponent, and, if they are really good, even survive the battle. Though most of them just worried about dying a glorius death, rather than worrying about dying itself. As far as the blades are concerned, I dont think the long sword would break the katana. In fact, depending on the quality of the other sword, the katana could possibly cut through it. Remember these are weapons that an entire culture developed their lives around. Their sole purpose was to make it as perfect as they could. Also, I have to give props to samurai, who could block arrows with the katana! [img]graemlins/wow.gif[/img]

Dron's verdict: Samurai
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