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Old 11-23-2004, 12:13 PM   #5

Join Date: August 16, 2002
Location: Scotland
Age: 39
Posts: 401
Truth is a knight would win as many samurai were taught that parrying was a sign of a coward/dishonourable and that they should take the blow. Japanese styled blades were built purely to damage and cut, with very little solid build to hold off from heavy impact.
Europeans however had a different honour system where parrying was allowed and encouraged as it kept you alive. And when unarmoured the design of the blade favours European designs which were meant for hurting lightly armoured plebs, whereas a katana is built for harming armoured foes.
A Knight is sworn to darkness. <br />His heart knows only hatred.<br />His sword destroys the helpless,<br />His might imprisons the weak.<br />His wrath upholds the wicked, <br />His word speaks only lies.<br /><br /> [img]\"\" alt=\" - \" />
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