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Old 11-22-2004, 07:17 PM   #10
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: July 11, 2002
Location: Limbo
Age: 44
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almost what i was going to say larry! it is prolly a sensitivity. but it sure does feel like an allergic reaction, don't it? i don't get it with food, i get it with the topical acne medication benzoyl peroxide.

also, i hate to be picky picky, but in truth you cannot get/develop or lose an allergy, as with asthma the severity can come and go in your life time. it can be such ad ramatic difference it really does appear to "come and go" but that terminology is misleading to parents who don't have asthma, but their child does. i bet the parents do to, it has just been hidden for many many years.
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