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Old 11-07-2004, 08:16 PM   #1
Jack Burton

Join Date: August 24, 2002
Location: Aussie now in the US of A!
Age: 37
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Hmmm, ok, it seems I have another problem...
I think I fixed the Video problem, as now I can actually see Fedora load, but before it finishes I get an error message.
The one thing I notice is that /etc does not exist, and the eroor basically says that /etc/something.something does not exist, and I remember Lennon telling me that it is the file allocation table....
I cant remember it of the top of my head, but I know that a "superblock" is corrupted, I was told this by Partition Magic.
The error message then says that I should try a e2fsck with a different superblock or something...
Then it says
e2fsck -b 8193
On the nest line..
Can anyone help?
How do I un-corrupt it???
Partition Magic says
Error #1201
Ext2 superblock contains illegal information
But I didnt put anything illegal in there [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Anyway, the description of the error says "Free blocks count wrong.....

Im running Fedora core 2 and have only had it for a day, and already I have had to upgrade the Kernal....
So this is not laying a good first impression...
HELP ME!!!!!!
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