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Old 11-02-2004, 08:17 PM   #8
Horus - Egyptian Sky God
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Actually, in response to Armageddon, "St. Anger" the album, and its creation is part of the process that brought Metallica back together. Their careers are not ruined, and they are touring now, saying they are happier than ever. [img]tongue.gif[/img] By the way, that movie is called "Some Kind of Monster," and it kicks all kinds of ass! So, actually, St. Anger did the opposite of what you have "heard." [img]smile.gif[/img]

Oh, and I dont know about chemically, but I am very much addicted to metal. I really have seen a direct correlation with how bad my mood is, and how long it's been since I've listened to metal. (Metallica, in particular.)
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