Thread: MMORPG
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Old 11-01-2004, 08:47 PM   #7
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: October 29, 2004
Location: Sussex, U.K
Age: 41
Posts: 25
Originally posted by Nightcloak:
As a person who has spent most of his time begging his parents for CRPG's that basically only focus around online gameplay, I do have a few words to share.

As you know, and I can undoubtly tell, you've invested your time scourging the grounds of offline CRPG's. This leaves you and I in different boats. As a person who has tried out MMORPGs and those online RPG's that do not require an active monthly subscription, it is rarely what your going to expect.

If you think you're going to find your self immersed in a rich story with epic battles between guilds and kingdoms you will find your self very wrong. I to sought after this concept, as I wanted a rich environment. Very rarely (unless its NWN) you will find good roleplayers. The roleplayers on Ultima Online have died out since last I checked. Most MMORPGs have become a powergamers wet dream. You will have to deal with the annoying kiddies (although I may self may be one) who only concern themselves with player griefing and waiting around to clear the next dungeon spawn.

Now, NWN is in fact a great game, with infinite replayability due to user contribution. However, the online aspect in my honest opinion only works when you have a regular DMed session game. Don't fall for the persistant world crap. In there its all about leveling, and you will be 1 of at least 30, which means it is usually hard to come by DMed ran quests for yourself.

I have learned the hardway. I have come to realize that online RPG's can never work properly unless the effort and mindframe of true RPer's are put into it. As has always been the answer of the Elder Scrolls developers, they rather focus an a complete open ended world with a rich story and endless possibilities, then a dumbed down online CRPG.

My advice to you, since I see you have basically played all the very good offline CRPG's that I would reccomend, is to wait for Morrowind: Oblivion. You can also replay some of those CRPG's, BG2: SoA has great replay value.

I have learned the hardway, and now I am making my first journey through the lands of Amn.
Don\'t look too far into the future or you will miss the present!
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