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Old 10-16-2004, 09:52 AM   #113
Jack Burton

Join Date: May 15, 2001
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 39
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Originally posted by Melusine:
Originally posted by Gangrell:

Mel pregnant? Well, in any case if she was, she can hide it pretty damn well being as skinny as she is [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Wow. Thanks so much for making my hung-over morning even better. [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Firstly, I would LOVE to see what would happen if I posted a similar remark about one of the fat people on Ironworks. Actually, I know what would happen: I'd get slapped down by a mod and many people would chide me for being so rude and insensitive. Why oh why is it a faux pas to say anything about obesity but apparently still totally OK to make remarks about skinniness?
Secondly, even aside from the above, you should think about having some surgery to have that foot removed from your mouth, and start thinking about what you wanna say BEFORE you say it. How do you think that remark would have made me feel if I were an anorexic? Or if my chronic illness made me suffer from weightloss? (which is actually partly the case). Now it's just your bad luck that I've got a hangover or I wouldn't even have bothered with this rant, but I guess it's one of my pet peeves and you got stuck in the firing line. Don't take it too personally. [img]tongue.gif[/img] Well, actually do take it personally. Remarks like yours can be quite hurtful and you could have thought about that before. It's your GOOD luck that I am nowhere near skinny, just slender (except for my bottom which cannot be called slender in any way - I should post a picture of it and see how skinny you think I am then. ). Maybe a normal figure is so rare these days that you didn't recognise it immediately. [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Anyway. Remarks about a person's weight are potentially rude, mmkay? Thank you, rant over, back to preparing my enormous, anti-hangover, full-of-fat eggs & cheese breakfast. I think I need to put on some weight.
[/QUOTE]So your night was OK, I presume? [img]tongue.gif[/img]
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