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Old 10-01-2004, 11:48 PM   #20
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
Posts: 19,737
Wow, thanks everyone!!! What a nice way to end a wonderful day- to see your merry wishes as I swing by the forums before going off to sleep!

Wendy, that is a beautiful pic and HAHAHAHA...the cat making sandcastles cracks me up. His expression is so mischievous too!

I did have a wonderful day. Hung out with my cats, watched the wind in the trees and rose bushes, caught a tv show and basically did things I felt like doing, when I felt like doing them. Been a long time since I had a day off for no other reason than to relax and not do anything special (like doctor's appointments, delivery people coming or running errands of one kind or another). Felt fabulous! Had calls from friends and my dad and while in the Undermountain several sweet IW folks helped my pc level up and gave her some really cool stuff. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Then my husband came home and he and I and a friend had a lasagna dinner (my friend made it) and chatted and watched old Peter Sellers "Pink Panther" movies on dvd....oh and sorry gang, no 'cake' tonight, I had key lime cheesecake for my birthday and since I'm the only one who likes it here, hubby bought a slice at the local Italian bakery and other types of cheesecake for himself and our friend.

I hope everyone here gets a day like's so refreshing!
"Don't take life for granted." Animal (may he rest in peace)
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