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Old 09-29-2004, 11:44 PM   #31
Dungeon Master

Join Date: July 8, 2004
Location: California, USA
Age: 41
Posts: 68
Originally posted by Rokc Cadarn:
Are you telling me that game developers don't care about long-term customers? Look at companies like id, Blizzard, and Bioware. I don't care what they release, it's a going to be a hit because of their following. Gamers are fanatically loyal to their brands. Sure, not every company is going to make it no matter how good their games are (nobodies denying that the industry is cutthroat), but if a developer is planning on lasting very long it better have a strong fan base.
No - I said a lot care much more about profit than customer satisfaction. SOE (EQ/SWG/PlanetSide/etc ...) is a perfect example of this. As long as they rake in enough cash they could care less about their customers; hence their constant (if untruthful) advertising. A lot of FPS games are like this also - little or no SP, with maybe a dozen playable maps. Yet because they hold appeal at first glance they sell enough anyway, even with a crap reputation.

Originally posted by Rokc Cadarn:
I think you missed my point. I know that development time is one of the factors that determines development costs, but when it comes to crpgs its the technology that should be sacrificed -- not the gameplay. I'm not saying that great looking games don't have a place too, just that rpgs require more depth than other genres. Developers aren't creating rpgs anymore, they're creating action games with some rpg elements. Don't try to tell me that there isn't an audience for true rpgs, either. Recently we've been ignored, but we're still here. Waiting.
Possibly 10 years ago. With new technology and graphical expectations nothing will sell unless it's cutting edge except to diehard fans - who might make up at most 1/20 of total sales. Game hype in this age is graphics, not so much as content. If a developer can manage both of these well then they've got a killer product on their hands. This just remains to be done (NWN was close). I also never said there wasn't an audience for true RPG's either - I'm on the same boat as you.

Originally posted by Rokc Cadarn:
By the way, if you think I was exaggerating about the size of development teams these day, think again. The new Medal of Honor, for instance, has an 85 person team just for the single player mission and a 45 person team for multiplayer. That doesn't even include EA's independent sound division and the hundreds of play testers who are also working on it. I know that's the extreme end, but if everyone else wants to stay on the bleeding edge of technology they'll be there soon enough.
I really doubt it is all programmers - a large portion is probably designers/artists.

[ 09-29-2004, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: silencer ]
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