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Old 09-28-2004, 02:13 AM   #4
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: June 27, 2001
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Age: 43
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I agree... I've made multiple posts about this.

They are putting everything in graphics to impress us, and trying to please everyone at the same time. That's why they make real time rpgs now. They want to lure the action crowd, the roleplayers, those that play games for graphics...

It's not about originality or good concepts anymore, it's about marketing and money.

Lots of game companies that were doing this are going bankrupt, and I'm very happy about this. My hope is that all those corporate company will die, and it will leave room for the companies actually managed by game developpers.

With some luck we'll be getting real games again soon, when the execs realise we are tired of them trying to please everyone with generic action-rpg-shooter half finished hybrid "games" with graphics requiring the newest video card of the month to run.
Once upon a time in Canada...
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