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Old 10-01-2004, 03:53 PM   #112
20th Level Warrior

Join Date: December 28, 2003
Location: Kentucky
Age: 38
Posts: 2,820
Sorry to hear that, Xen...apparently it's back on now, though! GO SET YOUR CLOCKS!

Okay, now that Dron can't possibly see this post (he's on the road, coming toward Lexington) I'll reveal my evil plan...Since the other people can't come roleplay with us, I am going to, as GM, rule that a dimensional rift sprang up, and sucked our Star Wars characters into a different dimension...specifically, the Palladium Rifts dimension...though I'm still going to use the d20 Star Wars rules...

This is going to be fun!

Is that what you really want to say?
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