Thread: Question.
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Old 09-18-2004, 11:37 PM   #14
Aelia Jusa
Iron Throne Cult
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Join Date: August 23, 2001
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Age: 43
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Originally posted by Gangrell:
Why stop here? Why not just bash people who keep spamming their one liners on threads all over IW? Why not stop witty comments that don't contribute to threads at all? Why do people bother with those as well?

They just do [img]tongue.gif[/img]
I think there's a difference between witty one liners and useless negative comments - 'that's been posted before...' is not my idea of a witty comment. I think if you post something that you find funny and all people feel they can contribute is 'I've seen it before' then they shouldn't bother contributing at all. Of course, if you make it your business to primarily post 'internet jokes' then you are somewhat asking for it

Uh, I just have to ask, was the word that Larry asterisked out in Alex's post the same one that appears in Kathen's quoting of it? Is that considered an offensive word? I know I have referred to people as something like that (the shortened version) but didn't realise it was a 'cuss' word (how I hate the term cuss [img]graemlins/idontagreeatall.gif[/img] ).
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