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Old 09-10-2004, 11:40 AM   #39

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: Victoria, Australia
Age: 41
Posts: 449
Originally posted by Avatar:

Yes they are important when there is civil war, dictatorship, child abuse, and important issues like that.

But do we really need them to label an Olympic parade in Hong Kong as "stoking political fear"?

What the *****? I mean surely there are more important issues to address here?

China comes second in the medals table in the Olympics for the first time and we have a Olympic Parade in Hong Kong... so what?

What about Regents Street Festival? I suppose thats a political thing for Ken Livingstone?

I think these people need to have some realistic senses knocked into them and not live in their fairy tale dream horse land.

There are far worse thing going on in Northern Ireland, Central Europe, Russia, Hawaii, Okinawa, Korea... and they throw a hissy fit when we march some Olympic medalists in Hong Kong before an election.

Get a real life!

Umm...I read the article...when did it actually say that an Olympic Parade in HK was stoking political fear?

"Opposition candidates allege that a recent tour of China's Olympic medal winners in Hong Kong was designed to boost support for pro-Beijing candidates" was the quote??
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Bristowe, Master Assassin<br />\"Everyone dies sooner or later, why not sooner?\"
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