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Old 10-15-2004, 10:57 AM   #73
Spirits forever

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Dron_Cah:
Hmm, well, this isn't something to do with sig, but it is a piece of art I would be very gratefully to have help with:

I'm looking for a dragon pic, to start off with. I'm thinking, as I've done searching, and have already edited some pictures to guestimate what I need, that this will need to be hand-drawn. All I need, is the head, and neck of a silver dragon. By "silver," I mean a metallic look, not just the color. I'm thinking that will be difficult, so, sorry in advance. If you can't manage the color, that's ok, I'll work on it. Next, I dont want the stereotypical head of a silver dragon, but something slimmer, akin to a crocodile, if you will. actually, here's something that is similar: So, something suimilar to that, would be awesome. Hmm, now, what else? Oh, I need the dragon's mouth to be open. Think, roaring, or a snarl, or something. I just need to have the teeth present, to effect the end result, best. Other than those very long-winded specifications, that's all I need. At least it will be easy to know what to draw/manipulate/whatever the hell you'll want to do.
I guess I'll officially request this of Spirits, but anyone who wants to give it a go, that'd be great. Thanks, much! [img]smile.gif[/img]
wow, that is descrpitive, well i have two dragons to make now, so i guess i better sttart craking!
i'll try to follow everything this description has, but i may ,miss a let me know ^_^