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Old 09-03-2004, 03:50 PM   #27
Symbol of Moradin

Join Date: June 5, 2002
Location: Slovenia,Ljubljana
Age: 36
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Originally posted by Ilander:
I'll pray for Dew, Stormy...I hope to goodness that it turns out for the better...modern medicine SHOULD be able to correct it, I'd think, but what do I know...I'm an aspiring physicist...

Stamp collectors are indeed of much use to society!

Oh, and PREACH THE GOSPEL Elif! TGIF! I hope you don't inadvertantly give up any of your IMPORTANT stuff.

Hey, Xen, what is this "the Golden League?" And more importantly, since this is the CONVERSATION ZONE, how was your day, dude? Anybody patronize you? Did you save the world in any way? Did you spill cheese sauce on yourself? PLEASE, c'mon, tell us something of SUBSTANCE!

by golly, I'll train you to speak yet!
Golden League is a competition in athletichs. I did actually spelt something on my shirt but can`t remember what it was. A sauce for all I know. I am wathing here on my screen like I did 2hrs ago. I made a new friendship wich is good isn`t it?
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