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Old 09-04-2004, 09:58 PM   #12
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Iron Throne Cult

Join Date: August 27, 2004
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Originally posted by Jorath Calar:
"...We built this city on Rock and roll..."

Is that song by The Thompsons Twins

I loved that one... [img]smile.gif[/img]
Sorry, Jorath, Ttat song by Starship, a band that had actually been around since the late 1960's. They started out as Jefferson Airplane, then changed to Jefferson Starship sometime in the 70's, then became just Starship in the early 80's. I wasn't a big fan of the band, but "We Built This City" was one of my favorite songs from the 80's. However, it was recently voted "Worst Song EVER" by a VH1 crew producing a show of the 50 Worst Songs of All Time. Some of the songs on that show were horrible and annoying (and usually both), but many others were some of my favorite songs of all time. Ah well, so much for "expert opinions"

The Thompson Twins were actually a trio that became popular in 1983 (in the U.S. anyway). "Hold Me Now" is easily their biggest hit ever (and one of my absolute fave songs from the 80's - which is saying a LOT). They had a couple of other hits here in the States, but nothing on the same scale as "Hold Me Now".

Yorick - I agree about their vocals. Absolutely great! [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img]
Cerek the Calmth
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