Thread: Peeping Trojan
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Old 08-26-2004, 03:27 PM   #18

Join Date: June 24, 2002
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Originally posted by Bungleau:
You can telnet to a windows box if there's a telnet server on that box. Windows doesn't provide one by default until... XP, perhaps; at older versions, I have customers who have used third party telnet packages like Georgia Softworks to enable telnet onto Windows servers.

Removing telnet feels a whole lot like saying I'm going to remove notepad to prevent people from editing files. There are other ways that they can do it, and frankly, all it does it make my own life a little more difficult. You still have rlogin, ssh, rsh, and at least a couple of other methods for getting into that Linux box that are available. All you've done is made sure that anyone who gets in will have to be a sophisticated hacker, not a simple one. IOW, common hoodlums are not allowed; you must be mafioso or yakuza to get in.
I'm not able to use telnet then anyway. Apart from security it feels cleaner, like in windows you've got a whole lot of stuff I never use and can't get rid off. But I like the idea that if I get hacked at least someone who knows what he's doing comes in.

That being said, what are you trying to protect your Linux box from? If it's on your LAN, and your LAN is properly secured, you're protecting yourself from... yourself. If it's exposed to the internet, then there are many more important things besides telnet that you need to worry about.
It's a wireless LAN and since I have 1 little brother and 2 little sisters who can't properly handle security ("if any of those message boxes comes up I just click close", yes that's a firewall). I still have to add WEP (which I hear is broken anyway) but I had some trouble with that cause after I added the WEP I couldn't connect anymore and it wouldn't go away till I removed WEP, And yes I was using the right key. It's on the internet but I haven't got real time to look into configuring security as I like it

BTW, Samba can leave you with an even bigger hole than telnet. If you're not requiring passwords for the shares, then you're even worse off.
I don't share files on my computer But thanks for the warning! Maybe I can get away without using it now I have my own backup partitions and hds. I just use it to get stuff from the other computer. I haven't done anything for security on my linux box yet but I was about to start on that as school starts so I can't break my install anymore cause that leaves me without computer for a couple of hours.

[ 08-26-2004, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: philip ]
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