Thread: Kitten Real?
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Old 08-25-2004, 10:29 AM   #31
Lady Sedai
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Join Date: May 21, 2004
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It's a real kitten.

Sageridder, I think the only reason the head looks a bit disproportionate is the angle at which the picture was taken. With kitty's head so close to the lens, I think it gave it an odd perspective.

But as I've seen two litters born before my own eyes and have had cats (mostly starting from kittens) my whole life, there are many things about this pic that make me believe it's real. Plus, I believe it was first posted on RateMyKitten.

As pointed out, the 'eye' thing would be the nictating membrane and I doubt anyone making a stuffed animal would incorporate that.

As to the coloration, I can post up a picture of my cat, Isabeau, who just happens to be nearly that color pattern.

And the kitty is not "just born". Their eyes are closed after birth for several days to a week and then only slightly opened for another week or so.

With the ears still folded down a bit, I'm guessing it's about 3 or 4 weeks old.

But also, as pointed out, the incosistencies and randomness of the fur pattern as well as the wetness to eyes, nose and mouth and the paw pad coloration are all indicative of a real kitten.

You can even see pink skin around the mouth/nose area under the fur. A stuffed animal kitten wouldn't have fresh pink skin coloration. It would be the color of the fabric used to attach the fake fur.

If it's not, it's one HECK of a good imitation and it would have to be CGI. But I don't think anyone could "fake" one that well.

[ 08-25-2004, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: Lady Sedai ]
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