Thread: ALICE - Round 3
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Old 08-16-2004, 09:23 AM   #35

Join Date: March 21, 2001
Location: Europe
Age: 39
Posts: 6,136
Tried a few languages. Spanish, Russian, German, Italian, Dutch. Very entertaining. I think she actually learns from the people that chat with her.

Human: Tot ziens
ALICE: Tot ziens en het allerbeste.
Human: au revoir
ALICE: See you later!
Human: A presto
ALICE: I don't know what that means.
Human: Adios
ALICE: Thanks for chatting, unknown person.
Human: Auf wiedersehen
ALICE: Not many people express themselves that way.
Human: Gar nicht?
ALICE: Was dann?
Human: (to change the subject) Wie geht es dir, Alice?
ALICE: Mir geht es gut, Danke! Und selbst?
Human: Es geht mir sehr gut, danke.
ALICE: Das kommt darauf an, was Du mit "es" meinst.
Human:"Es" means "it"
ALICE: Wofuer steht "es" in Deinem Satz?
(etc, etc. Obviously, she speaks German as well)

Human: Здравствулте (Russian )
ALICE: When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?
Human: Very soon, I hope.
ALICE: Somewhat. I can understand that sentiment well.
Human: You don't like lawyers?
ALICE: Do you like it? I hope to go to law school one day.
Human: Why do you hope to go to law school?
ALICE: I don't have to explain everything to you, do I?
Human: How many languages do you speak, Alice?
ALICE: Mostly only english but I'm trying to learn all the others.
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