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Old 07-13-2004, 01:45 PM   #1

Join Date: June 24, 2002
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Well I have a very annoying problem, in windows that is (of course) with playing games. I've thought of a couple of things that could cause this.

The problem is that if I start the game the CD runs but after a few seconds stops, no game and no errors. It happens both with original games, like NWN and with copies (for own use in lan game and as backup, I own the original) like Empire Earth, the original works however.

Things I've tried:
- I have windows installed on the D:\ partition. The game is on the C:\ partition and the CD is E:\, I thought it might cause this cause of the many stations that have to be called at the same time. Moved the game to D:\ as well problem not solved.

- I thought perhaps the using the burner to play the CD might work, it didn't.

- I tried copies and the original, copy for empire earth didn't work at all while it could read, install via autorun. Normal CD worked OK, NWN is worse with like 1 out of 10 opens the game.

- There could be IRQ trouble, had them before with NIC and video card. The CD and burner have to be on the same IDE cable. Both are jumpered OK and BIOS and linux recognize master and slave OK.

- Deleting spyware and scanning viruses, completely clean. Closing all applications didn't work either.

- I tried reinstalling the games as well, didn't work.

WinME (yes I know and I won't change it has ran OK for 3 years before)
PIII 733
128 MB RAM
2 hds on ATA IDE (one IDE cable)
CDROM and CDburner (other IDE cable)

C:\ - master HD with games
D:\ - slave HD with windows on 1 partition linux on the other

What could be causing this more? I've never had trouble with securom and it's just the game that won't start often while the CD can be read and used OK.

Does anyone know a 'good' site for no-cd cracks. I don't care about what kind of site it is and the ads if it just downloads the stuff at once without being linked through 100s of pages without results.

Thanks for the help!
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