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Old 07-11-2004, 08:40 PM   #8
40th Level Warrior
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Join Date: April 15, 2002
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Chances are that the shark was tagged, they do that a lot nowadays to study their behaviour, and follow their routes. Especially the great whites are popular study objects. If this one had the size of a car, it's a pretty safe bet that it's a great white, and then there's a good opportunity they exactly know which shark it was, and what it's current location is.

I still don't think that they should go after it and kill it, it's silly to label a shark as a murderer, it's a natural thing, the surfer got in the shark's huntinggrounds, and if that happens, you can kiss your ass goodbye.

People always lose their minds when a human gets killed by an animal. I remember an incident in Spain, where a toreador got taken on the bull's horns and trampled to death. The crowd was incredibly offended by this murderous bull, and demanded justice. They actually sentenced the bull to death, for killing the toreador. I mean, how insane can you get ? The way is see it, the toreador got exactly what was coming to him. It's too bad that there weren't a few more bulls around to have their way with the lunatics in the stands, that would have been a real good show.
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