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Old 07-10-2004, 09:07 AM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: February 28, 2001
Location: Boston/Sydney
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I received an email today, supposedly from 'Ebay' informing me that my account needed updating and that if I did not update my account, it would be suspended.

The email then provided a link for me to update my details. Upon clicking this link I was taken to a page that looked exactly like eBay's login-in and update user information page, but on a foreign server. Upon entering false login information, I was taken to a page where I was told to "update" my credit card details and submit - an obvious fraud attempt.

I've had friends who us ebay report receiving the same mail today. These fraudsters would easily be fooling hundreds of people into giving away their personal credit card numbers.

This is the link they provide in the email :

It's scary how real it looks...I wonder how these snapperheads would take it if people just put down rubbish info and spammed them out of existence, eh...hopefully it would overload them with info so much, they'd miss out on the real credit card details that may have been entered, eh...

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