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Old 07-02-2004, 03:14 PM   #40
Symbol of Bane

Join Date: November 26, 2001
Location: Texas
Age: 75
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Originally posted by Aerich:
I would guess, Attalus, that your acquaintance who quit probably did so more because the MANAGER was propositioning her. You could expect and deal with propositions by customers (drunken or not), but for a manager to act like that is discomfiting and entirely unprofessional. When a woman (or man) is sexually harassed by her (or his) superior, it's time to quit.
Actually, the reasons that she gave me included that, and she reported him to his superior, BTW, but, most importantly, she was being stalked by an infatuated customer who would insist on her waiting on him, tip her with $100 bills and Abercrombie & Fitch credit cards, and follow her home at night. Not just down the block, 20 miles to our city. She was, and is, quite afraid of him. After she quit, though, he seems to have lost interest. Oh, also, according to her, most of the waitresses are in it for the money, either to support their families (lots of single moms, alas) or to support their drug habits.
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