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Old 06-28-2004, 12:04 PM   #32

Join Date: January 10, 2002
Location: Upstate NY
Age: 56
Posts: 2,109
Sigh... shades of the spanking thread. Wanna bet that kid has never been spanked in his life. I agree it's bad parenting at work... when the kid was 3 and grabbed that other kids toy his parents probably ignored it or went "now little Timmy, you know that's not nice" but did nothing about it.

Now here people are saying that punishing the kid by selling his playstation will just make it worse? I think not. The kid has ZERO respect for his parents, it's about time they grew a backbone. It'll be tough since the kid is not used to it, but in the long run he'll THANK them for doing it (assuming they don't turn back into the waffleing pushovers they must've been before).

Keep your wine in a cool place until you're ready to drink it. For whites chill them for an hour or two before drinking but don't store them under refridgeration (this will damage the wine)!

Most modern wines aren't meant to be kept for years (they ship them near maturity)... so drink em!

We've got liquor, wine, and beer in our home and have never had a problem with our boys (and one is 13). I expect that around 16 he'll start experimenting, but that's about the proper age for that sort of thing, and it certainly won't take the form of a destructive party.
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