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Old 06-30-2004, 05:49 PM   #134
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: November 11, 2002
Location: North Carolina
Age: 65
Posts: 351
Originally posted by Dragonshadow:
Everyone says it's hormonal. i don't think it is though.
Know how you feel LS0158. I'm shy as well. i spent half of a party sitting in a corner not talking because I didnt knwo anyone.
I hardly ever even leave the house. I've only been to one party-like thing. Even then it was a planned school thing, and not an actual party. It wasn't too bad, since I at least recognized everyone there. It was kind of a reward for being in the HG program. (HG is Highly Gifted. It's like Academically Gifted, but harder to get into. Ours was self-contained, so no non-HG kids were in our classes. That kind of helped me, since I only saw a limited number of people in my classes.)

I volunteer at a hospital near where my dad works, and I don't know anyone there. When everyone is in the volunteer office, I just stand near the door and stare at the floor or wall no matter how many seats are open. Everyone is very nice at the hospital, though.
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