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Old 06-22-2004, 09:05 PM   #142
Lord Ao

Join Date: May 17, 2001
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Age: 53
Posts: 2,069
Ouch, I hope not for your sake Stormy. I have friends that are diabetic and I see what they have to go through on a daily basis. Not fun.

Well, I've had a bear of a day today. First, it's storming bad in the morning when I have to walk to the bus stop (we're talking lightning streaking between the clouds above me as I'm walking). Then I get there, and the bus doesn't show up. Ten minutes after he was due, I start to walk to catch the connector, and I no more clear the shelter and start to walk than the biggest set of lightning bolts come crashing down in all directions around me, one hitting a tree only 30 yards away. Needless to say, I end up back under the shelter as quick as I can run. Twenty five minutes after the bus was due, he finally shows up (I ran over to a restaurant nearby to call work to tell them I would be late, and barely ran there in time to catch him). I barely get to my connector right before he left (I usually have a layover, but not today...). At least I got to work on time (I almost ended up pretty crispy around the edges, though).

Then, I get to work. We get an email right off the bat, stating that we are behind goal for the month, and we really need to push on collections. Then, the emails start coming in from my boss (a ton, all day). They are all accounts that were referred to her to work, since they were older, messed up accounts. She turns right around to "delegate" them to us, right after we get another email from her boss stating for us not to work the older accounts. And the thing is, all of them were very small balances (not one over $50.00 due), and I was having to stop working $10,000.00+ accounts to work the piddly garbage she was sending me. So here we are under pressure stating we aren't bring money in, and we are working accounts that won't bring anything in. And the worst part is, each of the emails were telling me what to do with them (i.e. write off for past filing deadline, etc.). Well, instead of wasting the time typing an email, why don't you motivate your lazy butt to just spend the 3 seconds it takes to enter the writeoff? I guess it's just proof that the incompetent people become middle managers. And then they wonder why there is no morale within the department. I almost hope that we don't meet goal, just to watch the heads roll at their level.

Sorry about that, I just needed to rant a bit there! I feel much better now. Really. Ignore the list on the wall titled "People I Plan to 'Take Out'" with my boss's name at the top... Oh well, at least the pay is decent...
[img]\"ubb/noncgi/smiles/new/ghoul.gif\" alt=\" - \" /><br /><br />\"The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work.<br />The lower class exists just to scare the middle class.\"<br />-George Carlin
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