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Old 06-14-2004, 06:20 AM   #34
The Magister

Join Date: March 19, 2004
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Age: 54
Posts: 100
Ahh, stupid people with malleable minds. You gotta hate 'em for what they do to shape television programming and politics.

But really, we all depend on them too. Think about where we would be without them. I'm not so sure we would want all the idiots in the world to get smart all at once. First of all, they would stop buying all the crap that they don't need and start saving money for retirement.
Do you have any idea on what that would do to the economy? It would totally crash in a way that hasn't been seen in 75 years. So let the fools feed the capitalist machine with their lives.

I for one will crack the whip on my meager minded neighbors that they really SHOULD get that extra ATV/SUV/Jet Ski/Boat which they can't afford. Their debt drives up my interest rates.
\"Ph\'nglui mglw\'nafh Cthulhu R\'lyeh wagn\'nagl fhtagn.\" <br />\"In his house in R\'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.\"
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