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Old 06-09-2004, 01:49 PM   #7
Iron Throne Cult

Join Date: January 2, 2003
Location: Big Castle in the Sky
Age: 37
Posts: 4,835
Banned? Not that I remember, but I've been kicked out a few times.

Happened over two years ago, was in a multiplayer game called Starsiege, one of those old style games. Was in a particular clan called The Agency, which not a whole lot of people liked but I didn't think they were that bad. Anyway, during a scurmish against another clan, my game always lagged really bad because I had 56k, and I couldn't see the commands, so the clan leader got pissed and threw me out. He had a bad temper, even for an ex-marine [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Happened in another clan too, for some reason I always got thrown out by old guys that didn't like my 'care-free' attitude, no offense to older people here of course
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