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Old 06-07-2004, 01:59 AM   #2
Knight of the Rose
Zelda Champion Snake Champion
Join Date: July 11, 2002
Location: Coral Springs, Fl USA
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The age old free will vs. predestination arguement. Personally I think there is a fair share of both in the world. I can't go too much into detail for the reason stated below.

Oh yeah, (for future notice, cuz it doesn't really apply to this thread, yet) tread lightly in the way of religious discussion. There is a moratorium on religious discussions in the forums for the time being. They can get rather heated.
"When you start with a presupposition, it's hard to arrive at any other conclusion."

"We are never to judge a philosophy by its abuse." - Augustine

"If you're wondering if God has a sense of humor, consider the platypus."
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