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Old 06-04-2004, 08:22 AM   #6
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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That is sad news as most people that would be seeing it has already read (or have been read to) the books, right? Is that an assumpton I should not make?

Anyway, My wife used to not let anything PG-13 come into this house, and I got that one changed real quick. Now, I am trying to convince her that even though a movie gets an "R" does not mean that the content is "R" rated. The fools that govern the ratings make tihs stuff up from thin air and cause us alot of trouble. For example, I hear rumor that the Return of the King was almost considered "R" because of the fact that the war was a dominant factor in the movie. But somebody was able to pull strings and get it lessened to a PG-13. I think there was more violence in that movie than in the Last Samuri, for example.

Ah well...maybe the appeal will come through for you guys.
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