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Old 05-17-2004, 12:46 PM   #1
Cerek the Barbaric
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: October 29, 2001
Location: North Carolina
Age: 61
Posts: 3,257
Alright, I know this topic has been done to death, but browsing through the Search Engine didn't reveal any recent threads and we've gotten lots of new members, so I thought it would be good to revisit these topics.

I'm currently trying a few different class combinations for BGII and I'm looking for two things - the character class you enjoy the most AND the class you feel is easiest for the first time solo adventure (note that these two answers may be completely different).

My favorite class/kit is easily the Wizard Slayer. I really like the Magic Resistance and the chance to cause Miscast Magic with each hit. By 15th level, the character becomes very tough against spellcasters and installing ToB allows you to at least use health potions. Add a couple of non-standard items from Arundors Abode (none of which are any more powerful than the stuff from Weimer's Mods) and you've got a veritable Mage Mashing Machine.

I am currently playing a game with an assassin as the main character and that is also a lot of fun. So far, my favorite game moment occurred when he returned to De'Arnise Keep the first time to collect his money and the disgruntled merchant wanted an audience with me. I listened to his story, but didn't have much sympathy for him. Still, I wasn't sure what my assassin would do to resolve the situation. Then the merchant demanded that I repay his losses. [img]graemlins/wow.gif[/img] THAT was the wrong thing to say to my assassin. Instead, I decided to have him executed in the courtyard as a warning to any other merchants that felt bold enough to DEMAND anything from me. That was a very fun RP moment. Another fun series of events with the assassin was setting up the Cowled Wizards after they showed up and threatened my party for using magic in public. After learning I could avoid their future wrath for the mere sum of $5,000 gp - I decided it would be cheaper to just set up an ambush, cast a spell, and kill any Cowled Wizards that showed up. It took awhile, but they finally got tired of being killed off and I haven't had any hassle from them since then.

Now - for the solo classes.

My first attempt was with a Bounty Hunter. I really like Yoshimo's traps (they were invaluable in my first full run-through of BGII) and I hate losing him, so the next best thing was to create my own Bounty Hunter. But I ran into trouble within the first few encounters in Chateau Irenicus, so I decided to enlist the aid of my friends for him.

Now I'm thinking about trying a Bard - most likely will go with a Blade. Very good fighting skills combined with some spellcasting and thief abilities, but without having to split my experience between 3 multi-classes.

Any suggestions, opinions, or advice from other players?
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Cerek the Calmth
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