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Old 05-18-2004, 03:09 PM   #21

Join Date: October 19, 2001
Location: New York
Age: 37
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Success is contentment. Any person who is happy and satisfied with their life may call themselves successful, because really, there is no real definition. It varies from person to person. One persons view of success can be totally different from another.
A rich person does not have to be successful. That person may not be content, but everyone else may call himself successful.

Success exists because we exist. It is a human emotion that has been given a name. You can't get rid of it. It is a state of mind that can last for a brief period or forever. It is all dependent on what that person believes is success.

It does however, explain the rationale behind some people. Competitive people will always compete to achieve something. In their mind, success is beating all the others. So, in theory, our vision of success tells us what we want and could thereby almost predict how that person we constantly behave until they achieve that success.
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