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Old 05-11-2004, 12:20 PM   #7
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: May 6, 2004
Location: Rotterdam, Holland
Age: 47
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well, dreamer, russia didnt actually surrender, they offered peace at very good conditions for the germans. But you dont know what would have happened if the russians had fought on. The closer the germans would have gotten to Moscow, the tougher the fighting probably would have become and the german supply lines would have been stretched very thin.

And still, its not sure wheter Lenin needed the war to come to power. Russians were already desiring a change from the tsarist regime.

Second, the authoritarian German Emperor would have found its nemesis in the communists I think, for the same reasons the communists opposed the tsar in Russia. Proof of that is the upsurge of communist sentiment during the later stages of the war, that shows that in germany there where at that time many supporters of the communist revolution. That it turned into a democratic revolution was more a result of the Versailles Treaty. So it might well have become possible that after an initial victory for the empire, internal turmoil would have made germany a communist state. (The agrarian eastern and southern parts of the country being still in some sort of feudal system at the beginning of the century)

For the rise of fascism you might be right, but dont forget the first fascist state was Italy and Hitler derived many of his ideas from Mussolini. So if germany would have won WW1 that doesnt mean Italy wouldnt become fascist. Same goes for the fascist regimes of Franco and Salazar in Spain and Portugal
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