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Old 05-07-2004, 06:55 AM   #14
Symbol of Moradin

Join Date: June 5, 2002
Location: Slovenia,Ljubljana
Age: 36
Posts: 8,554
Uh... you don`t like me but when you need help you just excpet to help you. OK...

You`re a defenseve player? Remember the defense is probably hardest position to play.

Don`t be to close to the attacker. If you are he can do the elastico tric or just simply pushes the ball away from you and if you are not exsplosive you will have a hard time catching him. (Tackling comes to mind)

Look the legs and ball. If you look your opponent in the body or eyes you will be fooled pretty qucikly. If you decide to dribble don`t do it in front of your own goal.

Also when you have a little space dribble only if neccesary. Fancy movmemanst are only for those who have the right timing and agility. When squeezed just feint left or right with your body.

Also a pass is always better then unecassary dribbling.

Oh and one other thing.

BE RELAXED! I remember once I was not relaxed and couldn`t hit sh*t. I was too nerveous.

You might also "scare" the opponent. When he challenges you give him some space then make your body go to his then stop. (hard to explain) This will usually result as giving you the ball.

Good luck and please don`t be as hard as Genarro Gatusso. (sp?)

Just go with the flow.

[ 05-07-2004, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Xen ]
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