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Old 06-01-2001, 09:54 AM   #11
Father Bronze
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Northern Illinois
Age: 55
Posts: 719
Another theory is that . . .

Our webmaster needed a name and quickly. All of his on-line friends had names. He wanted one too! It just wasn't fair. And he wanted the coolest name of all, not just something average like Breserker, Spellmaster, or Archer . He didnt' like the cute names like DiscoDuck or BunnyMan . He needed something classy, archaic, bold .

He searched the pages of every myth and legend book ever published. He read until he was almost blind. When he was done, he was still at a loss. He decided to go for a walk on the beach.

The beaches of Florida were pretty vacant at this time of the night. The moon glowed brightly in the southern sky. The waves washed gently against the shore. And our webmaster stubbed his toe. The first thing that crossed his mind (after the few @#!&* he uttered) was what had he stumbled over? This was a sandy beach. A few seashells, yeah. A rock shouldn't be here. So he got down on his knees and scoured through the sand, finally grabbing a small metalic rock. He took it home.

As soon as he got home he dug through the back closet until he found his "Acme Junior Professor Chemistry Set -- complete with protective eyewear and breathing mask." He prepared for his analysis. He put on the protective eyewear, donned the breathing mask, snapped on the rubber gloves, and even found his old bicycle helmet as head protection. He looked like a total geek, but he was prepared. He started by scraping a bit of the rock into several different cereal bowls (he'd misplaced the petrie dishes and test tubes). He then added a bit of this chemical, a bit of that chemical, and waited. The first bowl did nothing. The second turned bright yellow. The third started fizzing and the fourth popped and crackled. He dug through his closet again to find the "Acme Junior Professor Chemistry Book of Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Anything." On page 6459 he found his answer. Yellow, fizzing, and crackling signifies the presence of zircon. Little had our webmaster known, but he had literally stumbled across a piece of zirconium. Further reading informed him that zirconium is found in nature as zircon in the beach sands of Australia and Florida. He liked the name zircon but couldn't find the right combination. Zirconman was a little long and too many "n" and "m" sounds. Zirconrock was cool, but just didn't have quite the right twist. Saying it faster sounded even cooler Zirconrock, Zirconrock, Zirconroc, Zircoroc, Ziroc . That was it. He would call himself "Ziroc" after the zirconium rock he had stumbled across on his midnight beach stroll.

P.S. If you would like to read more about Zirconium, check out the link at The British Columbia Institute of Technology


Most Subtle Official Straightman of the Laughing Hyenas -- Grammarian Brigade.

[This message has been edited by Father Bronze (edited 06-01-2001).]
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