Thread: Burning Hands
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Old 03-11-2003, 10:58 AM   #1
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: November 30, 2002
Location: Five Flagons Inn
Posts: 633
Ok. I am here to throw down the guantlet.

It has been noted that burning hands is a rather sucky spell. In a certain somebody's spell guide, I won't mention any names, it is listed as a skip.

After much use and testing, I am here to challenge that judgement.

People worry about their mages getting to close in battle. Hogwash. Invalid point. With Stoneskins, Mirror Image, and various protections to all sorts of things, this makes this a moot point.

Not enough damage. Yet more hogwash. Burning hands does upwards of 20 damage, double damage on a failed save. It does indeed do double damage to undead. Well, certain types of undead. There seems to be something buggy about the undead in this game. Now, being able to get up to 40 or so points of raw damage is pretty darn good. In my book. Sure beats the snot out of Magic Missle. As fas as undead go, I have seen damage in in the 60's range. Makes it mighty handy for toasting mummies and the like. Can you say "BBQ"?

The save issue. Simi valid point. However, most folks open fights (Or at least I hope they do) with Greater Malison.

Potential cheesy abuse. Burning Hands seems to totally ignore Mirror Imaged foes. I can't quite prove this yet, but, in two games, one with my Transmuter, the other with a Cleric/Mage, I have noticed on many occasions that Mirror Imaged mages always got toasted when I sent a searing hot jet of flame in their direction.

Over all, the spell functions well and does a lot more damage then one would expect from a level 1 spell. It is good against trolls, naturally, and, allows a mage to get the upper hand on undead as well. It is quick to cast and can be useful to disrupt spell casting, even on a failed save it puts an end to annoying enemy mages trying to roast you. It bites right through Stoneskins and most other protections, as well as Mirror Images as I have mentioned.

Conclusion? I would like the verdict re-examined and hopefully changed. This is a very worthwhile spell over all.
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