Thread: PC dilema
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Old 04-17-2004, 09:56 PM   #6
40th Level Warrior

Join Date: October 29, 2001
Location: Western Wilds of Michigan
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First things first... triage. What exactly is the problem you're currently facing? I understand the PCs have crashed, but what exactly does that mean? Do they fail to do anything, fail to boot, fail to start completely, or something else?

Second thing... this "friend" needs to be advised that he keeps his hands in his pockets (and out of your computers) until further notice, unless he'd like to have them removed, put in plastic baggies, and sewn into his pockets.

Third, post back here with the description of what's gone wrong. A PC is actually a pretty simple beast, all things considered; I'd feel confident that I could get at least one of the two machines back up, one way or another.

I've also built my last two PCs, as well as reclaiming dead PC bodies to make computers for my kids, and I'm getting ready for my next PC build. I don't claim to know everything, but I've seen a thing or two along the way, as have many of the folks on this board. Give us a chance, and you might be pleasantly surprised at the help available.

Good luck.
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