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Old 04-19-2004, 09:00 AM   #35
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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Ehrys, thanks! We've been mostly getting water, gatorade and chicken soup into him! Nothing carbonated so far. The antibiotics are really knocking him out, but they do seem to be helping!

Epona, thank you! We're trying to get more rest, despite the chaos! He is feeling a little better and was much more lively when awake yesterday, for which I'm very grateful!

Can I just say here, that Ironworks is've all be so wonderful. It just makes me feel privileged to be a part of things here even more than usual. Thank you all so much for your words of advice, your sympathetic ears and the cheering up! You're the best!! [img]smile.gif[/img]
"Don't take life for granted." Animal (may he rest in peace)
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