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Old 04-09-2004, 11:34 AM   #15

Join Date: November 7, 2003
Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Age: 51
Posts: 211
Hmmm... looks like society has found another way to deflect searching gazes away from one's soul... in case they should find something imperfect, unpure through those windows.

Not to question how shallow the human mind is however... For some, the rock drops for awhile, but for others, it seems to stop at the same level as their feet.

Well... I guess that's what makes us all unique, in a homogeneous kind of way... afterall, I got a tattoo also when I was in Kung-fu as a teen.
~ Ehrys ~<br /><br />\"Learn from the mistakes of others, as you don\'t live long enough to make them all yourself.\"
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