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Old 04-06-2004, 05:18 PM   #1

Join Date: January 22, 2002
Location: california wine country
Age: 60
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SUSHI SAMBA on Park Ave. South in midtown is the latest New York restaurant to import the practice of eating live lobster. Called "Whole Live Lobster Sashimi," the dish involves bringing the lobster to the table, splitting it down the middle and eating it as it dies, a process that lasts about 20 minutes.

Local animal rights activists are calling for a ban on the practice, but we have a better idea: Take off the rubber bands and make it a fair fight. If the customer can get the limbs off the critter without losing a finger, then it's Whole Live Lobster Sashimi on the house. If he can't, then the lobster gets to die humanely the old-fashioned way—stuffed into a boiling pot of water.
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