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Old 04-12-2004, 12:20 PM   #53
Takhisis Follower

Join Date: April 30, 2001
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Originally posted by dplax:
LOL. Nice joke, although some people wouldn't agree to it being translated.

Add for Vaskez: nem gazsinak kene lennie gaszi helyett?
Hat persze, de felreirtam. Persze hogy Gazsi Na jo, akkor itt a masik vicc.

Ok then, a friendly joke translated into English for the rest of you. I have a feeling I've posted this somewhere before, but oh well. Of course it doesn't sound as good translated but you get the gist that most gypsy jokes are friendly and not cruel.

An American, a Frenchman and a lazy gypsy are talking about their wives.

The American says:
- When my Jenny goes horseriding her feet scrape the ground. Not because she has such a small horse but because she has such sexy long legs.

The Frenchman replies:
- In the morning I put my hands around my darling's waist, pick her up, kiss her, put her down and go to work. I can do this not because I have such huge hands, but because she has such a sexy slim waist.

The gypsy says:
- Before I go to work in the morning I slap my Aranka's ass so it shakes. When I get back from work her ass is still shaking. Not because she has such a fat ass but because I get back from work so quickly
Too set in his ways to ever relate
If he could set that aside, there'd be heaven to pay
But weathered and aged, time swept him to grave
Love conquers all? Damn, I'd say that area's gray
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