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Old 03-24-2004, 05:30 PM   #6
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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I was falling asleep in class the other day when this chapter was in discussion, but from what I remember...

Carbonation helps the stomach feel better in times like this because it causes the matter in the stomach to be pushed through to the small intestine faster than normal. However, the caffiene in the soft drink was also causing you to not feel as good as you could have. Carbonated clear liquids are the best when doing what you were trying to do.

Without knowing what you had eaten before bed and also what else might be wrong that would remain hidden without an examination is too extensive to go further in this post. I don't want to guess wrong of course, but let it suffice to say that I am 28 years old and sometimes when I have a large sum of chocolate before going to bed, it causes acid reflux, and that feels like freaking hell. It sometimes feels like a vomit-related illness. To prevent that, I do not eat anything with caffiene in it at least four hours prior to sleep.
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