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Old 03-18-2004, 12:39 PM   #7

Join Date: September 16, 2001
Location: Bellingham, WA, USA
Age: 47
Posts: 6,901
I just have to bitch about this to somebody....In my Theater History class (I just got out of the final), the major paper for the quarter is a set of Play Diaries, an analysis of 1 play from each period under scrutiny. 6 plays, each diary worth 10 points, and you'd better turn it in on time, because 10 points are deducted for each day late. Well, it was due Friday at 10, but I only had 3 of the 6 done (very well done, though--I saw some of my classmates', and they looked quite insubstantial by comparison). So I figure, "Hey, if I'm only going to get half credit for it, at least I should be thorough about it," and proceeded to finish the assignment.

Took me a while, though, but that's understandable when you consider that some of the plays (especially Restoration era) are a bear to get through when you've got a headache--because you're sick--with strep throat and you're spewing up radioactive clouds of poisoned phlegm. Combine this with the fact that I had to work from school (because my home computer doesn't have Word, only Wordpad), and you've got a sick me walking home (1/2 an hour) night after night, at 3 in the morning. Finished the damn thing and sent it in Monday morning, only to receive the Email reply that the project actually loses 20 points per day late. Meaning, of course, that all that extra time I spent busting my ass on this thing, while sick, did nothing but drop me from a 30 to a 0. (The entire class is 300, I'll be lucky if I even pass the f'in thing now.)

The kicker? Today I explained to her that it was simple confusion on my part that let me think I could finish the project with no loss of points, and it was merely my desire to see the thing through that made me turn it in late in the first place. Result: None. Just like her rather acidic Email, she told me that she wouldn't bother to put my work on the same level as that which was turned in on time. And then, to top it off, a classmate ran in to the final, over an hour late, just as the teacher was leaving. He overslept, somebody just called him, could he still take the final?
She said yes. Meaning that he is allowed to do things late with no negative consequences, but I'll just have to learn from my experience and do better next time.

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