Thread: Fears.
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Old 03-05-2004, 09:53 AM   #17

Join Date: December 9, 2003
Location: England (Ex-pat Aussie)
Age: 61
Posts: 447
Great White Sharks!! Or any large Sharks for that matter! Was sitting on the beach once years ago at Noosa Heads watching some blokes surfing. Saw these shadows swimming through the waves behind them and almost had a heart attack when I realised they were sharks. Used to do a lot of spear fishing down south of Wollongong. The last time I went I was in about 40 foot of water. Spyed some quite large fish scrabling around on the bottom. Up-ended and started to head down, had just drawn the hand-spear back ready for a strike, when this shark swam underneath me, grabbed a chunk out of one of the larger fish, and cruised off. Never swam so fast in my life. This thing was huge! In the water it looked to be about 10 to 12 feet long. Allowing for the magnification effect under water, it was probably more like 6 to 8 feet. Enough to still give you some grief. To this day when swimming in the water, even a Lake, I'm freaking out quite a bit.
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." -- William James
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